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September 17, 2019 

Today’s young generation is not only facing job recession, but also facing Sex recession. Now you must be wondering what this sex recession is and what is the relationship of the youth with sex recession? So to solve this confusion of yours and ours, we talked to some sex experts.

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What Is Sex Recession?

Sex recession means a decreasing interest in sex. With increasing age, it is natural to lose interest in sex, but when interest in sex starts decreasing at an early age, it can be a sign of sex recession. You will be surprised to know that research done in many countries including US has revealed that people are especially having less sex now compared to the last decade.

What Do The Figures Say?

According to data released in 2013 by the National Survey of Sexual and Lifestyle (Natasal), 16 to 44 year olds are having sex less than five times every month. According to the Australian National Survey of Sexual Activity in 2014, nowadays couples make sex on average twice per week, compared to the average four times 10 years ago. This situation is looking even more frightening in Japan. According to a survey conducted there, 46 percent of Japanese women between the ages of 16 and 25 years and 25 percent of Japanese men hate sex. Whereas according to a recent survey in Britain, half of the population there only has sex once a week. In this survey conducted on men and women aged 16 to 44 years, it was found that the sexual activity of the people there has decreased by 50% during the years 2001 to 2012.

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Why Is This Happening?

There are many reasons for this. According to experts, the main reason for this is the increasing use of technology. Due to online pornography, internet and social media, etc., people are losing interest in sex. Let us know about this in detail.


High Angle View Of Man Watching Adult Movie On Digital Tablet

Due to the increasing trend of online pornography, many people are seeing a disease like Internet sex addiction, due to which their inclination towards real sex is becoming less. Talking about this, Experts, People who get addicted to porn movies enjoy porn instead of real sex. Because they cannot come out of that imaginary world and start imagining the same kind of sex. In such a situation, if the partner is not able to meet their expectations, then they become disinterested by having sex. At the same time, some couples also have this inferiority complex that they neither have stamina nor a perfect body like the one shown in porn. In such a situation, they distance themselves from the partner. “

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Internet has made our life easy, but it also has many side effects. Sex recession is one of them. Speaking about this, Expert says, “Most of the couples nowadays are so busy with their smart phones that they cannot get along even when they are together. They are more interested in mobile screens than spending time with each other and taking sex initiatives. “Today’s youngsters prefer online dating and digital socializing more than having a relationship with each other, which in turn affects their sex, has on issues.”

Increased Work Pressure And Stress

Stress and work pressure are also one of the main reasons for the sexless. When the husband returned home after working all day, she tried to woo him, which caused excitement in his sex life. But in today’s time, both husband and wife are working. There is so much work pressure on both that sex disappears from their priority list. Work stress makes couples physically, mentally and emotionally so relaxed that their sexual arousal ends. Stress messes up the level of hormones and all of them It also affects sex relations. “

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Body Building Craze

Today’s youth, body building has become so crazed that they resort to diet supplements and steroids in the process of quickly building a body, so that their body would be built for a short time. Is, but in the long term their health is affected. Eating steroid diet supplements causes problems like impotence and anorexia in sex.

Unhealthy Diet

Her unhealthy diet is also responsible for the decreasing anorexia of sex in young couples. They consume a lot of junk food, fried food etc. Such foods have high amounts of hydrogenated fats, which lower the levels of the sex hormone testosterone, which decreases their sex drive. “


Depression and anxiety cases have increased among the youth in the last few years. The young generation of today is embroiled in job insecurity, the struggle to build their own house and cut through competition. All these affect their mental health. In such a situation, they start taking medicines like anti depressant and all these have a negative effect on their sex life.

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