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September 22, 2023 

How to Get Passion Back in a Relationship

Is the relationship you’ve worked so hard on building starting to feel stale? Did your partner reveal how they truly felt about the relationship, and it wasn’t what you wanted to hear?

Stress from work or family life, boredom after years of being together, or a lack of quality time together as a couple can all contribute to a lack of intimacy. Worse comes to worst, this could lead to divorce, a dry spell in the bedroom, or one or both parties resorting to affairs and flings outside the relationship.

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If you and your spouse are facing this issue, don’t despair. There are ways to reignite passion in a broken relationship.

Here are some tips on how to rekindle passion in a relationship

Spice Things Up in the Bedroom

Intimacy isn’t just about making love, but it’s certainly a big part of it. If you and your partner have trouble finding time or interest in having sex, try to shake up the usual routine. For example, if you and your partner have exclusively had sex in the bedroom for the past few years, shake things up.

Try to reserve a different place where both of you can get passionate with each other instead, like at a beachside resort or a luxury hotel. You can even have it as a surprise to get them feeling more excited about the getaway.

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Changing the frequency of your sexual encounters with one another may also prove useful. Have sex only once a month? Consider doubling it.

However, if you’re both still unable to strike a passionate relationship with your partner, it might be time to contact a doctor. A sexual health specialist or sex therapist can help reignite your sex life and mend your romantic relationship.

Take a Trip

One of the easiest and most romantic ways to reignite intimacy in your relationship is to return to the place where you had your first date. Whether it’s a restaurant, a beachside boardwalk, or a city park, try to stroll past these places together and allow your memories to flood back. Not only will this help you remember why you fell in love in the first place, but it can also help rekindle the feelings of excitement and passion you once had when you first met each other.

If for some reason returning to a past date spot isn’t feasible, try to find another shared memory from your early relationship and reminisce about it together. Try to share this moment in a spot outside your home or apartment, as a change of scenery can also help set the mood.

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Focus on Dry Areas of Intimacy

Intimacy doesn’t stop at sexual intimacy, especially in romantic relationships. There are four types of intimacy that require maintenance for a relationship to thrive.

Experiential intimacy is all about shared activities and experiences. This can be anything from taking a dance class together to going on vacation. It’s about doing things together and growing closer as a result.
Emotional intimacy is sharing your feelings with each other. This includes both the good and the bad. It’s being able to be vulnerable with each other and knowing that you’re safe doing so.
Sexual intimacy is all about one’s sexual desire and need for passionate sex. It’s the physical and emotional connection you have with your partner. This can be through intercourse or even just cuddling.
Intellectual intimacy is sharing your thoughts and ideas with each other. This can be anything from discussing current events to sharing your dreams and aspirations.

If you and your romantic partner are struggling with intimacy, it’s important to identify the root of the problem and work on fixing it.

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Get to The Bottom of Your Sexual Health

While a lack of intimacy can be emotional in nature, the absence of passion could be tied to your physical health too. For men, in particular, aging and poor health can lead to erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and a general lack of interest in sex.

Besides those methods, men can bring passion to their relationship by trying the following remedies at home.

Eating a healthy, protein-rich diet
Losing excess weight and eating less
Doing strength training exercises
Cutting the use of vices like smoking and alcohol
Sleeping at least 8 hours a day
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Health Consultation

Your most passionate escapades don’t have to be locked away in your younger years. It’s totally normal to feel a spark of passionate love again, even as the years have passed by. But, of course, for a relationship to thrive, effort is mandatory.

If you need a little bit of help, couples counseling can be a great step forward to improve your long-term relationship.

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