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October 10, 2023 

Your sex life is bound to change after you have kids. Use these tips to make it better than ever.

When you and your partner are a couple, intimacy can occur spontaneously, anywhere and at any time. However, as your family expands, those afternoon rendezvous in the kitchen and lazy Sundays in bed may gradually fade into the past. While it’s natural for your intimate life to evolve after becoming parents, it doesn’t have to disappear altogether. In fact, it has the potential to become even more fulfilling. Here are some suggestions on how to reignite the passion in your relationship after welcoming children into your lives.

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Flirt With Her

Recall those early dating days when each sweet text from your significant other made your heart flutter? Well, there’s no need to let digital flirtation fade away. In fact, why not turn it up a notch? After your morning farewell, consider sending a text expressing your appreciation for that memorable goodbye kiss or your affection for that stylish shirt your partner is wearing. Whenever a sweet thought crosses your mind about your spouse, don’t hesitate to share it. It’s likely that your partner will reciprocate in kind.

Schedule a Daytime Babysitter

Have a babysitter take the kids to the museum, park, aquarium, or any other favorite spot during the day. While the kids are out, just enjoy each other—no laundry or dishes allowed.

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Sneak Around

For those days a babysitter is not an option, use sneaking around to your advantage. Give him a little love under the table at breakfast, steal a passionate kiss in the kitchen when the kids aren’t looking or flash him when you’re getting dressed in the morning. It’s fun and definitely arousing.

Make Time for Morning Sex

Set your alarm early a few times each month. Even though you’ll both be sleepy, some foreplay is bound to wake you up. And after some morning sex, you’ll both start your day with smiles and cash in on all of the awesome benefits of sex.

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Share Your Fantasies

By now, you and your significant other have likely grown quite close—after all, parenthood tends to break down most barriers, doesn’t it? So, leverage this newfound openness to reignite your intimate connection. Share your innermost thoughts with your partner, whether it’s recounting an enticing dream or expressing your desire to explore a new bedroom position. Even if you don’t necessarily act on every desire, the act of sharing your secret fantasies can be a powerful turn-on and deepen your connection even further.