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October 4, 2019 

Resolutions Will Make Your Relationship Even More Spicy

Sex is an easy process and an important part of life, but sometimes it also seems to be lacking in the relationship. In today’s run-of-the-mill lifestyle, partners often start forgetting their charm towards each other. In the long term relationship, due to everything going on with the same pattern, many times the sex life of people starts getting boring. If the spark of your life is also coming to an end, now there is a need to try something new with the partner. Just as people take new resolutions every year to make them perfect, similarly to improve sex life, it is necessary to have some sex resolutions.

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World of books

I would have heard many fairy tales from my grandmother and grandmother in my childhood, I would have been very restless to hear fairies go to that strange country. Now the time has come to return to the story of stories. Sexual attraction is believed to begin with the brain before the body. Therefore, it is important to stimulate the mind. If you are in a mood to have sex, then do some activities with your partner, which will stimulate the brain of both of you. For this you can read both erotic novels as well as adult movies. If the mind gets excited before the body, then you will never forget that session.

Change your position

Often couples get accustomed to that position by having sex in the same position for a long time. They feel comfortable in it and they never think of changing it or doing a new experiment. If it is the same with you, then you must be noticing that now you are getting bored of having sex and you are not able to enjoy that happy time. To bring thrill in life, it is better to talk to your partner about this. There are many such positions of sex in the world, which you have not yet tried. Try something new to make life exciting.

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Love is in every corner

It is not written in any book of the world that romance can only happen in the bedroom. There are many such corners in the house, where your love can be executed. To increase your excitement level, it would be better to get out of the bedroom and make other corners of the house. Have you ever given a surprise to your partner in the kitchen, living room or washroom?

This is your time only

Suppose you are enjoying your intimate moments with your partner and how would it feel if suddenly both of your phones rang? Talking about the current era, technology is the reason for the quarrel between many couples. If social media and gadgets (gadgets) are not used properly, then we can say that the new technology has made our life as easy as it is, we have removed the relationship as much. If you are planning a romantic evening plan with your partner, then both keep your phone on edge 10 minutes before foreplay. That time should be just for both of you and instead of deviating from it, try to get lost in each other.

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