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September 10, 2018 

Erectile dysfunction is a problem for many men, but they do not know that their everyday habits are only spoiling their sex life. You also know why, symptoms and prevention. In the relationship of husband and wife, physical relations have a very important role in maintaining the freshness of love, but due to changing lifestyle, most of the men are becoming victims of erectile dysfunction. This is a problem that shows lack of confidence and incompleteness in men. What is erectile dysfunction how is this problem and how it is resolved? Let’s know

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What is ED

Inability to penis during sexual intercourse or inability to maintain sexual arousal , it is a condition of sexual activity called erectile dysfunction , impotence , premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction . Erectile dysfunction means no stress or stress due to penicillin . This situation is also called impotency, which is very common in men over 65 years of age. Erectile Dysfunction of this issue 40 around the year 5 percent with age which is found in men – is growing .This problem also affects the person’s sexual life of his partner, so it is very important to treat it at the time

What Is The Reason

Habits That Can Make You Impotent

During intercourse there is a continuous enough erection to reach the peak of pleasure. If this does not happen, then this situation can be a concern for you. Although this disease can be caused by males for many reasons, it is very important to know the reasons for this.

Smoking:- If you have a habit of smoking then this habit can make you a victim of erectile dysfunction. Due to smoking cigarettes, the body does not have a properly balanced circulation, which can reduce your performance on the bed.

Liquor:- Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol decreases blood pressure in the arteries, so that adequate blood supply is not available to the penis. In such a case the person may be impotent or may be victim of erectile dysfunction.

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Medicines:- If you take medicines to remove high blood pressure or to relieve stress, then this habit is not well suited for your bed life.

Stress:- Stress or depression is considered to be very dangerous for men’s sex life. It slowly – slowly should remove himself from the stress or depression spreads disease.

Obesity:- Increasing weight or the direct effect of obesity is on the gender of men and the combination

Production of hormones starts slow. Before obesity became an enemy of your sex life, you should be serious about controlling your weight.

High Cholesterol:- Due to high cholesterol, the arteries of blood can also be completely blocked, resulting in slowing blood supply. If this happens, then its consequences may have to suffer from men’s private parts.

Heart Disease:- Due to changing lifestyle, heart disease has emerged as a major disease . Heart disease can become the biggest enemy of the person’s physical connection and can make you a victim of erectile dysfunction.

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Diabetes:-A few years ago, the average age of diabetes was 40 years, which has now been reduced to 25 to 30 years. Due to diabetes, there is a bad effect on the arteries and nerves of blood, which can cause problems of erectile dysfunction.

Increasing age:- As – as age begins to reduce the growing person’s sexual desires. Men who do not desire sexual activity or who do not have excitement, they are impotent, but the men who are excited but are quickly quieted by nervousness, they are partially impotent.

Hyperlipidemia :-Hyperlipidemia is a disease. This occurs when you have too much lipid (fat) in your blood i.e. cholesterol and triglycerides. Due to this disease you may have erectile dysfunction or impotence problem.

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