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February 13, 2024 

Sexual health is an integral aspect of overall well-being, yet issues such as premature ejaculation (PE) can significantly impact individuals’ quality of life and relationships. While premature ejaculation is a well-known concern, less attention is often given to its counterpart, delayed premature ejaculation. In this blog, we’ll delve into what delayed premature ejaculation is, its causes, and strategies for overcoming it to reclaim a fulfilling sex life.

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Cardio Exercise

When it comes to tips for lasting longer in bed exercise, and more specifically cardio is at the top of the list. it was found that moderate running for just 30 minutes a day and five times a week can help men last longer in bed. Improving your heart health betters every aspect of your bodily functioning, including how you perform during sex. Set aside just a few minutes a day a few times a week for some cardio and see if doesn’t helps you last longer in bed.

Extend The Foreplay Time

Married couples found that wives were more likely to orgasm the longer foreplay lasted. A combination of creating emotional closeness and having extended foreplay can help make women orgasm sooner. It can also help men last long enough for women by not penetrating until their partner is close to orgasm.

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Breathing & Exercise

Exercise may help men last three times longer in bed. The participants went from lasting an average of 26 seconds to an average of a minute and a half. By learning to breathe deeply, some men have found this helpful in being able to minimize sexual tension and heightened arousal early on during the sexual activity.

Kegel Exercises For PE

Once again we’re looking at how exercise can help control premature ejaculation, this time we’re going to be talking about strengthening you pelvic floor. By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, men have better control over climax during intimacy.

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Do Squeeze Technique

The squeeze technique involves stopping intercourse right as a man reaches climax, and squeezing the end of the penis between the shaft and head. After a man has gone back to pre-climax levels, penetration can be resumed.

Reduce Anxiety

The acquired type of premature ejaculation is strongly associated with premature ejaculation. With that being the case, then theoretically, reducing sexual performance anxiety can help men last longer in bed.

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Try Delay Ejaculations Product

If you need to increase your bed performance from a few minutes to several hours, you will surely benefit from using the Jamaican Stone. Its effective results of providing a power prolonged erection will ensure maximum pleasure. Sexual Enhancers are now very common! The great thing about this product is that it is externally used and has no known side effects.