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August 11, 2023 

Masturbation is the sexual act of rubbing and touching your sex organs, anus, or even other areas of your body. When somebody who is recognized as male masturbates, is referred to as male masturbation.

What is Masturbation?

Masturbation is a standard task with few to no negative consequences. Masturbation occurs when a person stimulates their sexual organs for sexual satisfaction, which may result in an orgasm. Masturbation is popular in females and males of all ages, and it contributes to sexual development. Masturbation is done for a variety of reasons, including pleasure, fun, enjoyment, and the release of tension. A few individuals chose to masturbate alone, while others chose to do so with a companion.

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Benefits of Masturbation

Masturbation is an important part of a healthy sexual life, and research has revealed numerous health advantages for males after masturbation, including the following:

Masturbation might help men avoid prostate cancer. Toxins normally accumulate in the urogenital pathway. Men who ejaculate more than 5 times each week have lower toxin thresholds. This significantly reduces their risk of developing prostate cancer.

When males ejaculate, a small amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, is liberated resulting in the strengthening of their immune system.

Masturbation could relieve tension and anxiety by overflowing the body with endorphins. Endorphins produce a positive emotion in the body and could promote restful sleep.

Men normally lose muscle tone as they age, including in the penis. Masturbation and frequent sex both work the pelvic floor muscles and assist in avoiding sexual dysfunction and bladder problems.

Masturbation discharges feel-good neurochemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine, which elevates your spirits, increases your fulfilment, and stimulates your brain’s reward loops.

It could improve your connection with your companion because you are physically aware of yourself.

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Side Effects of Masturbation

Masturbation involves less risk as compared to sex. While having sex you need to use a condom whereas masturbation requires no condoms. You can buy condoms online instead of visiting the stores. Masturbation is usually considered harmless. Nevertheless, if performed exceedingly and vigorously, it could be dangerous.

Whenever you make contact with an infected person’s sexual organs and then touch your own, you may contract STIs. STIs could also take place if you start sharing your sex toys such as a vibration ring, a cock ring etc with someone infected.

Masturbation in a face-down stance puts additional pressure on the penis, which can hurt it. You could avoid this by masturbating while sitting, standing, or lying on your back.

To help avoid the flow of sperm, avoid pinching the penis when ejaculating. Otherwise, the blood vessels and nerves in the penis would be damaged, and the semen would be forced into the urinary bladder.

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Is Many Time Masturbation is Bad?

Too much of anything could be injurious. Male masturbation side effects:

  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • May Also Prevent You From Having Sexual Relations With Your Partner
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Vision Shifts
  • A Penis Injury
  • Testicular Discomfort
  • Lower Back Ache
  • Hair Thinning

Too much masturbation can also disrupt your daily life. If you are missing social events, school or work, then you are doing it too much. Excessive masturbation can affect your relationship and disrupt your day to day life. If you are using masturbation as a substitute for real experience or as an escape from the other issues, then you need to talk to your doctor.

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If you think that your habit of masturbation is affecting you negatively, then you must seek professional help. You can consult a counselor or a sex therapist to address these side effects and the issue of excessive masturbation.

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